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Flight Simulator X
"MSFS 2020 How to Create an easy Flight Plan"
by Pi41 (96 pt)
2022-Mar-18 19:06

Review Consensus: 10 Rating: 10 Number of users: 1
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MSFS 2020 How to Create an easy Flight Plan

On this page click on World map.

Select a Departure Airport and an Arrival Airport.or use the search box by writing the name or ICAO code. If you do not write a Runway, MSFS inserts it by default. 

You can change the Weather in the Flight Conditions box.

Schedule a flight from Rome LIRF to Paris LFPG

Check the NAV LOG which informs about speed, Waypoints, etc.

At the top of the screen on the left in the pop-up menu you can choose the system for the Autopilot.

  • VFR GPS  Only for short flights, as the route will be a straight line from departure to arrival. Unsuitable for autopilot.
  • VFR VOR to VOR.  If you are not familiar with Waypoints, forget it.
  • IFR Low-altitude airways. They are best for small aircraft and short-haul trips.
  • IFR High-altitude airways.For airliners and long trips.

The flight plan is ready. Confirm by clicking on FLY. The flight plan is automatically uploaded to the on-board computer.

Confirm with a click on READY TO FLY.

The next screen is the aircraft's dashboard with all instruments in view.  Let's see how to make the aircraft follow the route we have set.


The first important thing to know about the Autopilot is the following:

The Autopilot, which must be activated with the AP button, is of little use on its own.

In order to make the Autopilot follow the flight plan you have previously entered, you have to give it some controls and, before pressing AP, press some buttons:

HDG (Heading) which provides the direction of flight. When this button is pressed, the aircraft follows the direction established by the flight plan.

ALT (Altitude) When this key is pressed, the aircraft maintains the altitude set by the flight plan.

VS (Vertical speed) With this wheel you can adjust the positive vertical climb speed in feet and then the negative descent speed. The only caution is to use small values, as high values may make it difficult for the aircraft to reach the limits, especially for small aircraft.

FLC (Flight Level Change) Alternative to VS.  VS adjusts the climb or sink rate in feet, FLC adjusts it in knots.

Complicated? Here's the easy alternative.

If you want to fly the aircraft yourself and watch, activate AI Piloting.

Where is Flight Assistant located

Where is Flight Assistant located? After the flight plan click on READY TO FLY and when you see the cockpit of the aircraft bring the mouse up and select this icon with the left mouse button.

In FLIGHT ASSISTANT you can configure a number of aids that are very convenient for beginners in simulation flying. If you want to fly the aircraft alone and watch, activate AI PILOTING in the FLIGHT ASSISTANT popup menu by moving the slider to the right.

AI PILOTING will do it all!
