Il Chip grafico D7220AD in tecnologia NMOS, era montato su alcune stazioni DEC, tra le quali il DEC Rainbow 100, NCR DMV.
Caratteristiche :
Microprocessor Interface
DMA transfer with 8257 or 8237 ...
Il Chip grafico D7220AD in tecnologia NMOS, era montato su alcune stazioni DEC, tra le quali il DEC Rainbow 100, NCR DMV.
Caratteristiche :
Microprocessor Interface
- DMA transfer with 8257 or 8237 controllers
- FIFO Command Buffering
Dispaly Memory Interface :
- Up to 256k words of 16 bits
- Read-Modify-Write (RMW) Display ;emory cicles in under 800ns
- Dynamic RAM refresh cycles for nonaccessed memory
Light Pen Input
External video syncronization mode
Graphics mode
- Four megabit, bit- mapped display memory
Character mode
- 8k character code and attribute display memory
Mixed Graphics and Character Mode
- 64k if all characters
- 1 megapixel if all graphics
Graphics Capabilities
- Figure drawing of lines, arc/circles, rectangles and graphics characters in 800ns per pixel
- Display 1024 by 1024 pixels with 4 planes of color or grayscale
- Two independently scrollable areas
Character Capabilities
- Auto cursor advance
- Four independently scrollable areas
- Programmable cursor height
- Characters per row : up to 256
- Characters row per screen : up to 100
Video Display format
- Zoom magnification factors of 1 to 16
- Panning
- Command settable video raster parameters
- Single +5v NMOS 40-in DIP
DMA Capability
- Bytes or word transfers
- 4 clock periods per byte transferred