"Descrizione" by Ottika11 (2065 pt) | 2024-Apr-10 09:22 |
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La storia dell'orzo (Hordeum vulgare), una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Poaceae, è antichissima e risale a 10.000 anni or sono. L'orzo è un cereale antico, coltivato per migliaia di anni e utilizzato in una varietà di piatti culinari in tutto il mondo. Ricco di nutrienti, l'orzo è particolarmente noto per il suo contenuto di fibre, proteine e una gamma di vitamine e minerali essenziali. L'orzo può essere consumato intero, perlato (con parte del guscio rimosso) o sotto forma di fiocchi e farina, rendendolo incredibilmente versatile in cucina.
L'orzo è stato utilizzato fin dalla sua scoperta come alimento per l'uomo e per gli animali e dopo:
è tra i cereali più coltivati al mondo con 22.905 miliardi $. (1)
Profilo Nutrizionale (per 100 grammi).
Processo di produzione industriale
La produzione di farina d'orzo comporta l'elaborazione dei chicchi d'orzo per convertirli in una polvere fine, adatta alla panificazione e alla cucina. Questo processo non solo mantiene i benefici nutrizionali dell'orzo ma ne migliora anche l'usabilità in una varietà di applicazioni culinarie, specialmente come alternativa più salutare alla farina di grano raffinata.
L'orzo offre diversi benefici per la salute, tra cui il miglioramento della salute digestiva, il supporto al controllo del peso grazie al suo effetto saziante e la riduzione del rischio di malattie croniche grazie al suo profilo nutrizionale. È anche stato dimostrato che aiuta a ridurre i livelli di colesterolo e a stabilizzare i livelli di zucchero nel sangue.
Preparazione L'orzo perlato richiede tempi di cottura minori rispetto all'orzo integrale, ma entrambi possono essere cucinati in modo simile al riso o al farro.
Uso in Cucina Può essere utilizzato in zuppe, stufati, insalate, contorni o come base per piatti principali. L'orzo è anche un'ottima aggiunta a pane e altri prodotti da forno.
Allergie Contiene glutine, rendendolo inadatto a chi soffre di celiachia o di sensibilità al glutine.
Nell'orzo si trovano ingredienti funzionali interessanti per la salute umana come i beta-glucani, polisaccaridi, i principali componenti della parte solubile della fibra alimentare. La loro caratteristica è di agevolare la funzione regolare del tratto gastrointestinale, l'omeostasi del glucosio e la regolazione dell'energia nel corpo umano (2). Possono prevenire l'oncogenesi a causa dell'effetto protettivo contro potenti agenti cancerogeni genotossici (3).
Ma, mentre un alto contenuto di beta-glucani risulta positivo per la salute umana, l'industria della birra che utilizza il malto, richede una bassa concentrazione di beta-glucani in quanto alti livelli possono influenzare negativamente la filtrazione del malto.
Inoltre i composti fenolici presenti nell'orzo oltre a produrre un effetto antiossidante nel corpo umano, hanno effetti probiotici e gastroprotettivi (4).
Un altro aspetto interessante di ingredienti presenti nell'orzo riguarda l'effetto che l'estratto dell'orzo fermentato produce sulla mucosa del colon. Si è notato che questo estratto può alleviare la costipazione (5).
(1) FAO 2019
(2) Baldassano S, Accardi G, Vasto S. Beta-glucans and cancer: The influence of inflammation and gut peptide. Eur J Med Chem. 2017 Dec 15;142:486-492. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2017.09.013. Epub 2017 Sep 15. PMID: 28964548.
(3) Akramiene D, Kondrotas A, Didziapetriene J, Kevelaitis E. Effects of beta-glucans on the immune system. Medicina (Kaunas). 2007;43(8):597-606.
Abstract. Beta-glucans are naturally occurring polysaccharides. These glucose polymers are constituents of the cell wall of certain pathogenic bacteria and fungi. The healing and immunostimulating properties of mushrooms have been known for thousands of years in the Eastern countries. These mushrooms contain biologically active polysaccharides that mostly belong to group of beta-glucans. These substances increase host immune defense by activating complement system, enhancing macrophages and natural killer cell function. The induction of cellular responses by mushroom and other beta-glucans is likely to involve their specific interaction with several cell surface receptors, as complement receptor 3 (CR3; CD11b/CD18), lactosylceramide, selected scavenger receptors, and dectin-1 (betaGR). beta-Glucans also show anticarcinogenic activity. They can prevent oncogenesis due to the protective effect against potent genotoxic carcinogens. As immunostimulating agent, which acts through the activation of macrophages and NK cell cytotoxicity, beta-glucan can inhibit tumor growth in promotion stage too. Anti-angiogenesis can be one of the pathways through which beta-glucans can reduce tumor proliferation, prevent tumor metastasis. beta-Glucan as adjuvant to cancer chemotherapy and radiotherapy demonstrated the positive role in the restoration of hematopiesis following by bone marrow injury. Immunotherapy using monoclonal antibodies is a novel strategy of cancer treatment. These antibodies activate complement system and opsonize tumor cells with iC3b fragment. In contrast to microorganisms, tumor cells, as well as other host cells, lack beta-glucan as a surface component and cannot trigger complement receptor 3-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and initiate tumor-killing activity. This mechanism could be induced in the presence of beta-glucans.
(4) Charalampopoulos D, Pandiella SS, Webb C. Evaluation of the effect of malt, wheat and barley extracts on the viability of potentially probiotic lactic acid bacteria under acidic conditions. Int J Food Microbiol. 2003 Apr 25;82(2):133-41. doi: 10.1016/s0168-1605(02)00248-9.
Abstract. In this work, the effect of cereal extracts, used as delivery vehicles for potentially probiotic lactic acid bacteria (LAB), on the acid tolerance of the cells was evaluated under conditions that simulate the gastric tract. More specifically, the effect of malt, barley and wheat extracts on the viability of Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus reuteri during exposure for 4 h in a phosphate buffer acidified at pH 2.5 was investigated. In the absence of cereal extracts all strains demonstrated a significant reduction in their cell population, particularly L. plantarum. The viability of L. plantarum was improved by approximately 4 log(10) cycles in the presence of malt and 3 log(10) cycles in the presence of wheat and barley. The survival of L. acidophilus and L. reuteri was increased by more than 1.5 and 0.7 log(10) cycle, respectively, upon addition of cereal extracts. In order to evaluate the contribution of the cereal constituents on cell survival, the individual effect of glucose, maltose and free amino nitrogen (FAN), which were added at concentrations that correlated to the reducing sugar and FAN content of the cereal extracts, was examined. The viability of L. plantarum was progressively improved as the maltose or glucose concentration increased; an increase by approximately 2 log(10) cycles was observed in the presence of 8.33 g/l sugar. The survival of L. acidophilus increased by more than 1 log(10) cycle, even at very low concentrations of maltose and glucose (e.g., 0.67 g/l), while L. reuteri stability was enhanced in the presence of maltose but no appreciable effect was demonstrated in the presence of glucose. Sugar analysis indicated that glycolysis was inhibited in all cases. Addition of tryptone and yeast extract, used as sources of FAN, enhanced L. acidophilus acid tolerance, but did not affect L. reuteri and L. plantarum. The results presented in this study indicate that malt, wheat and barley extracts exhibit a significant protective effect on the viability of L. plantarum, L. acidophilus and L. reuteri under acidic conditions, which could be mainly attributed to the amount of sugar present in the cereal extracts.
(5) Lim JM, Kim YD, Song CH, Park SJ, Park DC, Cho HR, Jung GW, Bashir KMI, Ku SK, Choi JS. Laxative effects of triple fermented barley extracts (FBe) on loperamide (LP)-induced constipation in rats. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2019 Jun 21;19(1):143. doi: 10.1186/s12906-019-2557-x.
Abstract. Background: Constipation, a common health problem, causes discomfort and affects the quality of life. This study intended to evaluate the potential laxative effect of triple fermented barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) extract (FBe), produced by saccharification, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Weissella cibaria, on loperamide (LP)-induced constipation in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats, a well-established animal model of spastic constipation....Results: In the present study, oral administration of 100-300 mg/kg of FBe exhibited promising laxative properties including intestinal charcoal transit ratio, thicknesses and mucous producing goblet cells of colonic mucosa with decreases of fecal pellet numbers and mean diameters remained in the lumen of colon, mediated by increases in gastrointestinal motility. Conclusion: Therefore, FBe might act as a promising laxative agent and functional food ingredient to cure spastic constipation, with less toxicity observed at a dose of 100 mg/kg.
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