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iRobot Roomba® 520
"Solved. Roomba doesn't enter in base"
by Ark90 (12417 pt)
2020-Sep-15 16:17

Review Consensus: 8 Rating: 8 Number of users: 1
Evaluation  N. ExpertsEvaluation  N. Experts

Roomba problem: difficulty re-entering the base

A rather common defect of the Roomba 500 series that usually occurs after a few years of working properly is the difficulty in getting into the base. Some robots try to get in and then retreat to try again later, while others are struggling to get into the base by moving it.

Roomba's have plastic undersides that can move or swell over time, and the springs on the base that provide the power can lose its elasticity.

The solution is simple.

You need to thin the plastic portion between the contacts and the edge in the bottom cover of your Roomba. This way your Roomba will have an easy way in.

This method is valid for all Roomba models that have difficulty re-entering to the base.

A rather common defect of the Roomba 500 series that usually occurs after a few years of working properly is the difficulty in getting into the base. Some robots try to get in and then retreat to try again later, while others are struggling to get into the base by moving it.

Roomba's have plastic undersides that can move or swell over time, and the springs on the base that provide the power can lose its elasticity.

The solution is simple.

You need to thin the plastic portion between the contacts and the edge in the bottom cover of your Roomba. This way your Roomba will have an easy way in.

This method is valid for all Roomba models that have difficulty re-entering to the base.
