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by FRanier (9976 pt)
2023-Sep-10 12:45

Review Consensus: 7 Rating: 7 Number of users: 1
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Urea is a chemical organic compound discovered in 1773 by H.M.Rouelle.

Description of raw materials used in production

  • Ammonia (NH₃). Produced mainly by the Haber-Bosch process, which combines nitrogen and hydrogen.
  • Carbon dioxide (CO₂). Can be sourced as a by-product from other industrial processes.

Step-by-step summary of industrial chemical synthesis process

  • Synthesis reaction. Ammonia and carbon dioxide react at high pressure and temperature to form urea and water: 2 NH₃ + CO₂ → (NH₂)₂CO + H₂O.
  • Water removal. The water formed in the reaction is removed by evaporation.
  • Crystallization. Urea is crystallized out from solution.
  • Separation and drying. The urea crystals are separated out and subsequently dried.

It appears in the form of a white powder. soluble in water.

What it is for and where

Urea is a component of the natural moisturizing factor of the skin, plays an important role in the preservation of skin hydration and integrity (1). We find it in human excretion, especially in urine and is rich in nitrogen (2).


Antistatic agent. Static electricity build-up has a direct influence on products and causes electrostatic adsorption. The antistatic ingredient reduces static build-up and surface resistivity on the surface of the skin and hair.

Buffering agent. It is an iingredient that can bring an alkaline or acid solution to a certain pH level and prevent it from changing, in practice a pH stabiliser that can effectively resist instability and pH change.

Humectant. Hygroscopic compound used to minimise water loss in the skin and to prevent it from drying out by facilitating faster and greater absorption of water into the stratum corneum of the epidermis.  The epidermis is the most superficial of the three layers that make up human skin (epidermis, dermis and hypodermis) and is the layer that maintains hydration in all three layers. In turn, the epidermis is composed of five layers: horny, the most superficial, granular, spinous, shiny, and basal. Humectants have the ability to retain the water they attract from the air in the stratum corneum and have the function of moisturising the skin. They are best used before emollients, which are oil-based.

Skin conditioning agent. It is the mainstay of topical skin treatment as it has the function of restoring, increasing or improving skin tolerance to external factors, including melanocyte tolerance. The most important function of the conditioning agent is to prevent skin dehydration, but the subject is rather complex and involves emollients and humectants that can be added in the formulation.


Useful as an anti-inflammatory, antifungal agent. it also plays the role of drug penetration enhancer.

Commercial Applications

Cosmetics. Due to its hydrating properties, urea is a mainstay ingredient in emollient products for dry, cracked skin. It acts as a chemical exfoliant and aids in speeding up cell turnover.

Industry. Urea is a critical raw material in the production of urea-formaldehyde resins, used in wood panels, furniture, and indoor finishes.

Agriculture. Beyond serving as a nitrogen source for fertilizers, urea is also used as an ingredient in antiparasitic agents.

Medical Applications

Pharmaceuticals. Creams containing urea are prescribed for treating skin conditions. Urea assists in breaking down dead skin cells, aiding in the treatment of skin ailments.

Clinical testing. The blood urea nitrogen (BUN) test is standard for assessing kidney function and can indicate whether the kidneys are operating correctly.

Dermatological treatments. Urea is used in preparations for treating corns, calluses, and plantar warts.

Urea studies

Molecular Formula : NH2CONH2   CH4N2O

Molecular Weight : 60.056 g/mol

CAS : 57-13-6
EC Number : 200-315-5

Synonyms :

  • E927b
  • Carbamide
  • Carbaderm
  • Keratinamin
  • Carbonyl diamide
  • Pastaron
  • Ureophil
  • Carbonyldiamine
  • Carbamimidic acid
  • MFCD00008022
  • EINECS 200-315-5



(1) Topical urea in skincare: A review. Celleno L. Dermatol Ther. 2018 Nov;31(6):e12690. doi: 10.1111/dth.12690. 

(2) Production of slow-released nitrogen fertilizer from urine.  Ito R, Takahashi E, Funamizu N.  Environ Technol. 2013 Sep-Oct;34(17-20):2809-15.

