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Lattoferrina plus
by Al222 (19776 pt)
2022-Mar-08 09:16

Review Consensus: 10 Rating: 10 Number of users: 1
Evaluation  N. ExpertsEvaluation  N. Experts

La fonte del benessere - Lactoferrin plus30 capsules 325 mg is a food supplement based on Lactoferrin.


Let's review the ingredients in order of quantity, as described on the label.

Lattoferrina Lactoferrin is a multifunctional bifidogenic glycoprotein from milk with antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity and plays the role of the immune system's main defense. Recent studies have classified it as a nutraceutical for its ability to protect mucous membranes. Moreover it can lower cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis and reduce body weight. 

Amido di mais Cornstarch is obtained by grinding corn usually from its central part. Cornstarch administration may be recommended to avoid hypoglycemia and maintain euglycemia. It is also a primary treatment for elevated cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations, which usually result from suboptimal metabolic control.

Gelatina alimentare Dietary gelatin is a protein material derived from natural collagen and is nearly tasteless and odorless. The main raw materials used in the production of gelatin are usually cattle bones, cow hides and pig skins. 

Cellulosa microcristallina Microcrystalline Cellulose is becoming in high demand due to the growing demand for alternatives to non-renewable and scarce fossil materials. Although it still suffers from some drawbacks, microcrystalline cellulose has recently gained more interest due to its renewability, non-toxicity, economic value, biodegradability, high mechanical properties, high surface area, and biocompatibility.

Sali di magnesio degli acidi grassi,Magnesium salts of fatty acids, chemical components labeled on the food additives list as E470b, function as emulsifiers and stabilizers.

Biossido di titanio  E171 

is a chemical compound, a white pigment that creates a white or opaque coloration. It is now present in many applications: cosmetics, paints, papers, pharmaceutical additives, sunscreens as a UV filter, toothpastes as a whitener, coating of medicinal tablets. Banned in France since 2019. It has been discovered that the nanoparticles of this chemical compound are able to bypass our immune system. 


A supplement that I do not like mainly because of the presence of Titanium Dioxide on which there is abundant scientific.

Frankly, the presence of a decidedly "unhealthy" ingredient that could therefore cause health problems in a medicine is surprising. The only explanation maybe is the dated formulation and not updated with recent studies. On the other hand, unfortunately, until the ingredient ( titanium dioxide is banned in some European countries but not yet in Italy and yet present in many medicines) will not be banned also in Italy, there is nothing to do. Pharmaceutical companies answer: excipient approved by the competent Authority.
