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ROSUMIBE 10 mg/10 mg
by Ark90 (12416 pt)
2024-May-05 19:18

Review Consensus: 20 Rating: 10 Number of users: 2
Evaluation  N. ExpertsEvaluation  N. Experts

ROSUMIBE 10 mg/10 mg  30 tablets

Take only under medical supervision.

Supplements and medicines are examined and evaluated solely from the point of view of their chemical composition, based on relevant scientific studies. No medical opinion is expressed on curative functions. If it is a prescription medicine, the judgement must be made by the treating physician.

Let us examine the most significant ingredients in order of quantity as indicated on the label. I provide a brief summary for reasons of space. For the full text, studies and bibliography, just click on the ingredient and, if you want to go deeper, it is perhaps a little complex reading because these are scientific studies, but it clarifies the ingredient/health relationship.

Let's see what ingredients are included in this product with a link to the description on Tiiips ne which reports the scientific studies: 

Rosuvastatina. A hypolipidemic drug, i.e., with activity in reducing levels of harmful LDL cholesterol and anti-inflammatory, totally synthetic statin. Statins have demonstrated their efficacy in reducing cardiovascular risk.

Ezetimibe  is a cholesterol absorption inhibitor with lipid-lowering activity and is a derivative of azetidinone. Ezetimibe significantly reduces the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke with no effect on all-cause mortality either cardiovascular or cancer risk.

E460 Cellulosa microcristallina. It is obtained by chemical process from various plants, non-toxic, biodegradable, biocompatible.

E572 Magnesio stearato. An excipient for oral solid dosage forms.It is used as an essential lubricant in the manufacture of tablets and its effect on tablet dissolution, disintegration and hardness.

Crospovidone type A. A synthetic polymer used in the pharmaceutical industry with the function of dispersing and suspending drug release.

E468 Croscarmellosa sodica. An emulsifying chemical compound formed from raw cellulose treated with sodium compounds. It is used to enhance and accelerate drug release in the bowel. 

E514 Sodio laurisolfato. Multifunctional chemical compound, diluent about which there is a lot of not-so-favorable scientific literature.


From a taste point of view, the tablets have a rather bitter taste.

Medicine that was prescribed for me to replace Cholecomb because Cholecomb contains E171 Titanium Dioxide.

In a month I will do some tests that my physician prescribed and see the results.
