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"Crospovidone studies"
by Al222 (19286 pt)
2022-Nov-21 18:57

Review Consensus: 10 Rating: 10 Number of users: 1
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Compendium of the most significant studies with reference to properties, intake, effects.

Jain SP, Mehta DC, Shah SP, Singh PP, Amin PD. Melt-in-mouth pellets of fexofenadine hydrochloride using crospovidone as an extrusion-spheronisation aid. AAPS PharmSciTech. 2010 Jun;11(2):917-23. doi: 10.1208/s12249-010-9443-7.

Abstract. Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) is well established as an extrusion spheronisation aid for the preparation of pellets. Crospovidone (Polyplasdone XL-10) is compared with microcrystalline cellulose for the preparation of melt-in-mouth pellets. Taste-masked fexofenadine hydrochloride was incorporated in the melt-in-mouth formulation. Crospovidone was found to be well suited as extrusion-spheronisation aid for the preparation of melt-in-mouth pellets. The great advantage of crospovidone is, however, the disintegrating properties of the pellets after only a short time of exposure to liquid. Crospovidone was successfully employed as an extrusion-spheronisation aid to produce melt-in-mouth pellets obviating the need of a traditional extrusion-spheronisation aid, MCC. Dual properties of Crospovidone were explored viz. as an extrusion-spheronisation aid and a disintegrant.

Hartauer KJ, Arbuthnot GN, Baertschi SW, Johnson RA, Luke WD, Pearson NG, Rickard EC, Tingle CA, Tsang PK, Wiens RE. Influence of peroxide impurities in povidone and crospovidone on the stability of raloxifene hydrochloride in tablets: identification and control of an oxidative degradation product. Pharm Dev Technol. 2000;5(3):303-10. doi: 10.1081/pdt-100100545. 

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to identify a degradation product in a tablet formulation of raloxifene hydrochloride (R-HCl), delineate the role of excipients in its formation, and develop a rational strategy for its control. The degradant was identified as an N-oxide derivative of the drug substance based upon spectroscopic characterization and chromatographic comparison to the synthetic N-oxide. To identify the factors contributing to the formation of N-oxide, binary mixtures of each excipient with R-HCl were exposed to 125 degrees C in open containers. Raloxifene hydrochloride underwent an order of magnitude increase in conversion to the N-oxide in the presence of two excipients, povidone and crospovidone, as compared with its conversion in the presence of other excipients. To confirm a hypothesis that peroxide impurities in these two excipients contributed to the oxidation of the drug substance, tablet lots were spiked with quantities of H2O2 equivalent to 200, 400, 600, and 800 ppm peroxide over the intrinsic levels present in povidone and crospovidone. A strong correlation was observed between the total peroxide level and the quantity of the N-oxide formed upon accelerated storage. From these experiments a rational limit test for peroxide content in povidone and crospovidone was adopted as part of a control strategy to limit formation of the degradation product.

Verheyen P, Steffens KJ, Kleinebudde P. Use of crospovidone as pelletization aid as alternative to microcrystalline cellulose: effects on pellet properties. Drug Dev Ind Pharm. 2009 Nov;35(11):1325-32. doi: 10.3109/03639040902902401. 

Abstract. Background: Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) is the most important pelletization aid in extrusion/spheronization. Because of known disadvantages, the search for substitutes is ongoing. In this context, crospovidone has proven to offer substantial advantages as pelletization aid because of its ability to turn low-soluble active ingredients into fast-dissolving stable pellets. Method: Pellets from crospovidone with different amounts of paracetamol, hydrochlorothiazide, and spironolactone as model drugs were prepared by extrusion/spheronization. For comparison, pellets with MCC as extrusion aid were also produced. The pellets of different formulations were evaluated in terms of yield, aspect ratio, mean Feret diameter, 10% interval fraction, tensile strength, disintegration, and drug release profile. Results: Only crospovidone types exhibiting small particle sizes are suitable as pelletization aid. While maintaining the pharmaceutical quality aspects, it was possible to incorporate up to 60% (w/w) active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) into pellets with crospovidone. The most distinguished differences between pellets based on crospovidone and MCC are the disintegration and drug release behavior. The pellets containing binary mixtures of the low-soluble APIs and crospovidone resulted in fast release in contrast to the pellets with MCC as pelletization aid, which exhibited a slow release. Conclusion: Crospovidone shows an excellent behavior as pelletization aid and produces fast-releasing pellets even with low-soluble APIs.

Shu T, Suzuki H, Hironaka K, Ito K. Studies of rapidly disintegrating tablets in the oral cavity using co-ground mixtures of mannitol with crospovidone. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 2002 Feb;50(2):193-8. doi: 10.1248/cpb.50.193.

Abstract. We attempted the development of rapid oral disintegration tablets by direct compression using co-ground mixture of D-mannitol and crospovidone. The co-ground mixture was prepared with a vibration rod mill. The tablets were formed by compression using a single punch-tableting machine after addition of the co-ground mixture to non-ground D-mannitol, crospovidone and magnesium stearate. Regarding the properties of tablets, hardness and the time of disintegration were measured. The particle diameter and specific surface area of the co-ground mixture were measured. The tablets manufactured from a physical mixture of 30% (w/w) co-ground mixture of D-mannitol and crospovidone (mixed ratio 9 :1) with 65.5% (w/w) of non-ground mannitol, 4% (w/w) of crospovidone, and 0.5% (w/w) of magnesium stearate had good properties for rapidly disintegrating tablets in the oral cavity. They showed the hardness of 4.9 kg and disintegration time of 33 s. We found that adding co-ground mixture of D-mannitol and crospovidone is useful in enhancing hardness of the tablets that could not be achieved by addition of their individually ground mixture. The improvement in the hardness of the tablets was also observed when other saccharides and disintegrants were used. This method was proved to be applicable in the manufacture of tables of ascorbic acid, a water-soluble drug and nifedipine, a slightly water soluble drug; and the dissolution rate of nifedipine from the tablets in water was remarkably improved. The particle sizes of D-mannitol in the co-ground mixture were smaller than that of the individually ground mixture, resulting in a larger specific surface area of the co-ground mixture than that of the individually ground mixture. Therefore, it was presumed that crospovidone acted as a grinding assistant for D-mannitol in the co-grinding process, enhancing the hardness of tablets by increasing the contact area among powder particles.

Hirasawa N, Ishise S, Miyata H, Danjo K. Application of nilvadipine solid dispersion to tablet formulation and manufacturing using crospovidone and methylcellulose as dispersion carriers. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 2004 Feb;52(2):244-7. doi: 10.1248/cpb.52.244. 

Abstract. Nilvadipine (NIL) solid dispersion using crospovidone (Cross-linked-N-vinyl-2-pyrolidone, cl-PVP) and methylcellulose (MC) as carriers was applied to tablet formulation. Several grades of cl-PVP and MC were used, and their influence on tablet properties such as hardness, disintegration, dissolution and chemical stability were investigated. The agitation granulation method was used for preparation of solid dispersion granules, and the granules were compressed using a rotary tableting machine, and finally the obtained tablets were coated with film. As the particle size of cl-PVP decreased, hardness and apparent solubility were increased, while dissolution rate was lowered. When a higher viscosity grade of MC was used, hardness and dissolution rate were increased, and apparent solubility did not change. All batches of tablets were chemically stable at 40 degrees C, 75% relative humidity (R.H.) for six months. Finally, tablets with enhanced dissolution properties were obtained by using Polyplasdone XL-10 and Metolose SM-25 as the grades of cl-PVP and MC, respectively. These formulation tablets showed higher solubility and dissolution rate during storage as well as initial indicating good physical stability.

Hoyt BS, Aaron DM, Yan S, Linos KD. Cutaneous Crospovidone: A Newly Described Foreign Body Due to Illicit Drug Abuse. Am J Dermatopathol. 2019 Aug;41(8):e84-e86. doi: 10.1097/DAD.0000000000001374. 

Abstract. Crospovidone, a polymer of poly N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone, is an inert insoluble disintegrant found in pharmaceutical tablets. This material has been encountered in the lungs of intravenous drug users and embolized with other components such as talc and microcrystalline cellulose. More recently, crospovidone has also been described in the gastrointestinal tract. We present 2 cases of cutaneous crospovidone deposition resulting from subcutaneous injection of crushed tablets, commonly known as "skin popping." Clinical presentation includes painful, inflamed papules, nodules, or ulcers with overlying eschar. Crospovidone has a distinct and reproducible histochemical staining profile. Histologic recognition of this material is important because it can guide clinicians in their diagnosis and management decisions.

Shaddy SM, Arnold MA, Shilo K, Frankel WL, Harzman AE, Stanich PP, Singhi AD, Yearsley MM, Arnold CA. Crospovidone and Microcrystalline Cellulose: A Novel Description of Pharmaceutical Fillers in the Gastrointestinal Tract. Am J Surg Pathol. 2017 Apr;41(4):564-569. doi: 10.1097/PAS.0000000000000790. 

Abstract. Crospovidone and microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) are pharmaceutical fillers well known in the pulmonary pathology literature. Fillers are inactive substances incorporated into medications to facilitate drug delivery. By examining 545 consecutive gastrointestinal surgical specimens from 302 patients between September 11, 2015 and October 23, 2015, we identified the fillers in 29 specimens from 26 patients. The control group consisted of an equal number of consecutive site-matched specimens collected during this same time. Pertinent clinicopathologic data were analyzed, and 1 case was subject to special stains. To confirm the histologic diagnosis, a variety of fillers and medications common to the patients were processed. The fillers were found in 9% of all patients, and there were no specific clinicopathologic associations. In the gastrointestinal tract, crospovidone is nonbirefringent and has a coral shape with each segment composed of a pink core and purple coat; MCC is brightly birefringent with matchstick shape and clear color. Identical material was seen in the processed crospovidone and MCC powders, as well as oxycodone-acetaminophen and omeprazole tablets. In summary, crospovidone and MCC are common, biologically inert, and they are most often seen in the small bowel. Their presence outside of the luminal bowel may serve as a surrogate marker for perforation. Awareness of their morphology is important to distinguish fillers from parasites, calcifications, and other medications, particularly those linked to mucosal injury. We report the unique histomorphologic profile of these fillers as a helpful diagnostic aide, and caution that the fillers have slightly divergent features when compared with those described in the lung.

Shibata Y, Fujii M, Okada H, Noda S, Kondoh M, Watanabe Y. Evaluation of the compaction properties of a solid dispersion of indomethacin with crospovidone by tableting process analyzer. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 2005 Jul;53(7):759-63. doi: 10.1248/cpb.53.759. 

Abstract. A powder solid dispersion system (SD) of indomethacin (IM) with crospovidone (CrosPVP) possesses good fluidity and can be used for tablet formulation. Tablets of SD can be prepared by direct compression and have adequate hardness and a small variation in weight. Forces during the tableting process were measured with a tableting process analyzer (TabAll) equipped with a single-punch. The pressure transmission ratio (PTR) from the upper to the lower punch and the die wall force (DWF) were examined during the tableting process. Ejection force (EF) and scraper pressure (SP) were measured for determining the capping and sticking properties during the tableting process. Adding 1% magnesium stearate (MS) to the SD resulted in high PTR and DWF values and a low EF value. PTR and DWF values increased and EF value decreased when MS and microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) were added to the SD. A thousand tablets could be manufactured without problems such as sticking or capping when 1% MS and 50% MCC were added to the SD containing 25% IM.
