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by admin (18679 pt)
2022-Dec-18 12:00

Rhamnose is an organic chemical compound, a monosaccharide naturally occurring deoxy sugar, a methyl-pentose or a 6-deoxy-hexose. In nature, it appears in the form L- and is obtained chemically from sea buckthorn and algae belonging to the Bacillariophyceae family.

What it is used for and where
Flavoring agent. The purpose of this ingredient is to modify the solution to add flavour. Natural flavouring extracts are rather expensive, so the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries resort to synthesised substances that have sensory characteristics mostly similar to natural flavourings or are naturally equivalent. This ingredient is isolated through chemical processes or is synthesised from chemicals.

Flavoring agent. The purpose of this ingredient is to modify the solution to add flavour. Natural flavouring extracts are rather expensive, so the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries resort to synthesised substances that have sensory characteristics mostly similar to natural flavourings or are naturally equivalent. This ingredient is isolated through chemical processes or is synthesised from chemicals.
Synonyms: L(+)-Rhamnose Monohydrate, l-(+)-Rhamnose monohydrate, (2R,3R,4S,5S)-2,3,4,5-Tetrahydroxyhexanal hydrate, rhamnose monohydrate, Rhamnose
Trade name:

CAS: 10030-85-0, 3615-41-6
