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"Diethanolamine studi"
by Al222 (20584 pt)
2023-Jan-11 10:15

Compendio degli studi più significativi con riferimento a proprietà, assunzione, effetti.

Niculescu MD, Wu R, Guo Z, da Costa KA, Zeisel SH. Diethanolamine alters proliferation and choline metabolism in mouse neural precursor cells. Toxicol Sci. 2007 Apr;96(2):321-6. doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kfl200. 

Abstract. Diethanolamine (DEA) is a widely used ingredient in many consumer products and in a number of industrial applications. It has been previously reported that dermal administration of DEA to mice diminished hepatic stores of choline and altered brain development in the fetus. The aim of this study was to use mouse neural precursor cells in vitro to assess the mechanism underlying the effects of DEA. Cells exposed to DEA treatment (3mM) proliferated less (by 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine incorporation) at 48 h (24% of control [CT]), and had increased apoptosis at 72 h (308% of CT). Uptake of choline into cells was reduced by DEA treatment (to 52% of CT), resulting in diminished intracellular concentrations of choline and phosphocholine (55 and 12% of CT, respectively). When choline concentration in the growth medium was increased threefold (to 210 microM), the effects of DEA exposure on cell proliferation and apoptosis were prevented, however, intracellular phosphocholine concentrations remained low. In choline kinase assays, we observed that DEA can be phosphorylated to phospho-DEA at the expense of choline. Thus, the effects of DEA are likely mediated by inhibition of choline transport into neural precursor cells and by altered metabolism of choline. Our study suggests that prenatal exposure to DEA may have a detrimental effect on brain development.

Kraeling ME, Yourick JJ, Bronaugh RL. In vitro human skin penetration of diethanolamine. Food Chem Toxicol. 2004 Oct;42(10):1553-61. doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2004.04.016. 

Abstract. Concerns about the safety of diethanolamine (DEA) have been raised by the National Toxicology Program (NTP). Therefore, we measured the extent of DEA absorption in human skin relevant to exposures from shampoos, hair dyes and body lotions. Radiolabeled [14C]-DEA was added to two commercial products from each class and applied to excised viable and non-viable human skin in flow-through diffusion cells. The products remained on the skin for 5, 30 and 24 h for shampoos, hair dyes and body lotions, respectively. After 24 h, most of the absorbed dose was found in skin: 2.8% for shampoos, 2.9% for hair dyes and 10.0% for body lotions. Only small amounts were absorbed into the receptor fluid: 0.08%, 0.09% and 0.9% for shampoos, hair dyes and body lotions respectively. There was no significant difference in the absorption of DEA through viable and non-viable skin or from product application doses of 1, 2 or 3 mg lotion/cm2. In 72 h daily repeat dose studies with a lotion, DEA appeared to accumulate in the skin (29.2%) with little diffusing out into the receptor fluid. Therefore, skin levels of DEA should not be included in estimates of systemic absorption used in exposure assessments.

Kirman CR, Hughes B, Becker RA, Hays SM. Derivation of a No-significant-risk-level (NSRL) for dermal exposures to diethanolamine. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2016 Apr;76:137-51. doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2016.01.020. 

Abstract. Diethanolamine (DEA) has been found to produce liver and kidney tumors in mice following lifetime dermal exposures. Data regarding the mode of action by which DEA produces these tumors were used to support a dose-response assessment that resulted in a no-significant-risk-level (NSRL) for dermal exposures to DEA. DEA and its metabolites are structural analogs to endogenous agents important to choline homeostasis. Sufficient information is available to support an epigenetic MOA involving the perturbation of choline homeostasis and hepatic methylation reactions in the formation of mouse liver tumors. This MOA may also apply to mouse kidney tumors, but direct measurements for key events in kidney are lacking. For both tumor types, dose-response data were pooled across four cancer bioassays conducted for DEA and DEA-containing condensates in order to provide a more robust characterization of the dose-response relationships. Doses were expressed in terms of dermally absorbed dose so that the dose-dependency and species differences in the dermal absorption of DEA were addressed. The resulting NSRL value of 3400 ug/day for dermal exposures to DEA is considered to be protective of human health for both tumor endpoints. Copyright © 2016 The Authors.  

National Toxicology Program. NTP Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of Diethanolamine (CAS No. 111-42-2) in F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice (Dermal Studies). Natl Toxicol Program Tech Rep Ser. 1999 Jul;478:1-212. 

Abstract. Diethanolamine is widely used in the preparation of diethanolamides and diethanolamine salts of long-chain fatty acids that are formulated into soaps and surfactants used in liquid laundry and dishwashing detergents, cosmetics, shampoos, and hair conditioners. Diethanolamine is also used in textile processing, in industrial gas purification to remove acid gases, as an anticorrosion agent in metalworking fluids, and in preparations of agricultural chemicals. Aqueous diethanolamine solutions are used as solvents for numerous drugs that are administered intravenously. Diethanolamine was selected for evaluation because its large-scale production and pattern of use indicate the potential for widespread human exposure. Male and female F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice received dermal applications of diethanolamine in 95% ethanol for 2 years. Genetic toxicology studies were performed in Salmonella typhimurium, L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells, cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells, and B6C3F1 mouse peripheral blood erythrocytes. RATS: Groups of 50 male rats were administered 0, 16, 32, or 64 mg diethanolamine/kg body weight in ethanol dermally for 2 years. Groups of 50 female rats were administered 0, 8, 16, or 32 mg/kg in ethanol dermally for 2 years. Survival, Body Weights, and Clinical Findings Survival of vehicle control and dosed male and female rats was similar. Mean body weights of 64 mg/kg males were less than those of the vehicle controls beginning week 8, and mean body weights of females were generally similar to those of the vehicle control group. The only clinical finding attributed to diethanolamine administration was irritation of the skin at the site of application. Pathology Findings: Minimal to mild nonneoplastic lesions occurred at the site of application in the epidermis of dosed male and female rats. The incidence of acanthosis in 64 mg/kg males, the incidences of hyperkeratosis in 32 and 64 mg/kg males and in all dosed female groups, and the incidences of exudate in 64 mg/kg males and in all dosed female groups were greater than those in the controls. The incidences and severities of nephropathy were significantly increased in dosed female rats compared to the vehicle controls. MICE: Groups of 50 male and 50 female mice were administered 0, 40, 80, or 160 mg diethanolamine/kg body weight in ethanol dermally for 2 years. Survival, Body Weights, and Clinical Findings Survival of dosed male groups was similar to that of the vehicle control group; survival of dosed female groups was significantly less than that of the vehicle control group. Mean body weights of 80 and 160 mg/kg males were less than those of the vehicle controls after weeks 88 and 77, respectively. Mean body weights of dosed groups of females were generally less than those of the vehicle controls during the second year of the study. Pathology Findings: In male mice, the incidences of hepatocellular adenoma and of hepatocellular adenoma or carcinoma (combined) in all dosed groups and of hepatocellular carcinoma and hepatoblastoma in 80 and 160 mg/kg males were significantly increased compared to the vehicle controls. The incidences of hepatocellular neoplasms were significantly greater in dosed groups of female mice than in the vehicle control group. The incidences of hepatocellular neoplasms in all dosed groups of males and females exceeded the historical control ranges. Nonneoplastic hepatocyte changes were seen only in dosed male and female mice. Changes consisted of cytoplasmic alteration and syncytial alteration. The incidences of renal tubule adenoma in males occurred with a positive trend; however, the incidences of carcinoma and hyperplasia did not follow this pattern. An extended evaluation of kidney step sections revealed additional adenomas and hyperplasias in all dosed groups. The combined analysis of single and step sections indicated a dose-related increase in the incidences of renal tubule hyperplasia and renal tubule adenoma or carcinoma (combined), and an increase in the incidences of renal tubule adenoma in male mice. Incidences of thyroidthyroid gland follicular cell hyperplasia were increased in dosed male and female mice compared to vehicle controls. Hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, and exudate were treatment-related changes in the skin at the site of application. The incidences of hyperkeratosis were significantly greater than those in the vehicle control groups in all dosed groups except 40 mg/kg females. GENETIC TOXICOLOGY: Diethanolamine was not mutagenic in any of four strains of Salmonella typhimurium, in the presence or absence of S9 metabolic activation enzymes. No induction of trifluorothymidine resistance was observed in L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells treated with diethanolamine with or without S9. Diethanolamine did not induce significant sister chromatid exchanges or chromosomal aberrations in cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells, with or without S9. Peripheral blood samples collected from male and female mice exposed to 80 to 1,250 mg/kg diethanolamine dermally for 13 weeks showed no increase in micronucleated normochromatic erythrocytes. CONCLUSIONS: Under the conditions of these 2-year dermal studies, there was no evidence of carcinogenic activity of diethanolamine in male F344/N rats administered 16, 32, or 64 mg/kg diethanolamine or in female F344/N rats administered 8, 16, or 32 mg/kg. There was clear evidence of carcinogenic activity of diethanolamine in male and female B6C3F1 mice based on increased incidences of liver neoplasms in males and females and increased incidences of renal tubule neoplasms in males. Dermal administration of diethanolamine to rats was associated with increased incidences of acanthosis (males only), hyperkeratosis, and exudate of the skin and increased incidences and severities of nephropathy in females. Dermal administration of diethanolamine to mice was associated with increased incidences of cytoplasmic alteration (males only) and syncytial alteration of the liver, renal tubule hyperplasia (males only), thyroid gland follicular cell hyperplasia, and hyperkeratosis of the skin. Synonyms: Bis-2-hydroxyethylamine; DEA, diethylolamine; 2,2'-dihydroxydiethylamine; diolamine; 2,2'-iminobisethanol; 2,2'-iminodiethanol; iminodiethanol

Mathews JM, Garner CE, Matthews HB. Metabolism, bioaccumulation, and incorporation of diethanolamine into phospholipids. Chem Res Toxicol. 1995 Jul-Aug;8(5):625-33. doi: 10.1021/tx00047a001.

Abstract. Diethanolamine (DEA) is a major industrial chemical which has low acute toxicity, but, on repeat exposure, has significant cumulative toxicity. The present work suggests that the cumulative toxicity can be attributed to the fact that, unlike most small polar molecules, DEA accumulates to high concentrations in certain tissues following repeat exposure. The highest concentrations of DEA were seen in liver, kidney, spleen, and brain. Investigations described here have determined that DEA is metabolized by biosynthetic routes common to ethanolamine and is conserved, O-phosphorylated, N-methylated, and incorporated into phosphoglyceride and sphingomyelin analogues as the parent compound and as its N-methyl and N,N-dimethyl derivatives. This is the first report of the conjugation of a xenobiotic headgroup with a natural ceramide to form aberrant sphingomyelins. DEA-derived phosphoglycerides constituted the majority of aberrant phospholipid following acute administration. On repeat administration, DEA bioaccumulated to plateau levels at approximately 8 weeks. This bioaccumulation was accompanied by an increasing degree of methylation and accumulation of aberrant sphingomylenoid lipids in tissues. Uptake and incorporation of DEA into ceramide derivatives in human liver slices were also demonstrated in the present studies. It is speculated that the cumulative toxicity observed on repeat administration of DEA to rats is caused in part by increasing levels of aberrant phospholipids derived from this unnatural alkanolamine.

Barbee SJ, Hartung R. Diethanolamine-induced alteration of hepatic mitochondrial function and structure. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 1979 Mar 15;47(3):431-40. doi: 10.1016/0041-008x(79)90512-x. 

Abstract. Diethanolamine (DEA) has been shown to interfere with phospholipid metabolism. It has been hypothesised that DEA may alter membrane-related biochemical processes that depend on phospholipids. DEA was studied for its effect on hepatic mitochondrial function and structure in the male Sprague-Dawley rat. DEA did not produce mitochondrial alterations in in vitro preparations of liver tissue....

Zurita JL, Repetto G, Jos A, Del Peso A, Salguero M, López-Artíguez M, Olano D, Cameán A. Ecotoxicological evaluation of diethanolamine using a battery of microbiotests. Toxicol In Vitro. 2005 Oct;19(7):879-86. doi: 10.1016/j.tiv.2005.06.035. 

Abstract. In order to investigate the potential ecotoxicity of diethanolamine (DEA), a battery of model systems was developed. DEA is widely used as a chemical intermediate and as a surface-active agent in cosmetic formulations, pharmaceuticals and agricultural products. DEA was studied using ecotoxicological model systems, representing four trophic levels, with several bioindicators evaluated at different exposure time periods. The battery included bioluminescence inhibition of the bacterium Vibrio fischeri, growth inhibition of the alga Chlorella vulgaris and immobilization of the cladoceran Daphnia magna. Cell morphology, total protein content, neutral red uptake, MTS metabolization, lysosomal function, succinate dehydrogenase activity, G6PDH activity, metallothionein levels and EROD activity were studied in the hepatoma fish cell line PLHC-1, derived from Poeciliopsis lucida. The systems most sensitive to DEA were both D. magna and V. fischeri, followed by C. vulgaris and the fish cell line PLHC-1. The most prominent morphological effect observed in PLHC-1 cultures exposed to DEA was the induction of a marked steatosis, followed by death at high concentrations, in some cases by apoptosis. The main biochemical modification was a nearly three-fold increase in metallothionein levels, followed by the stimulations of lysosomal function and succinate dehydrogenase and G6PDH activities. Judging by the EC(50) values in the assay systems, DEA is not expected to produce acute toxic effects in the aquatic biota. However, chronic and synergistic effects with other chemicals cannot be excluded.

Stott WT, Bartels MJ, Brzak KA, Mar M, Markham DA, Thornton CM, Zeisel SH. Potential mechanisms of tumorigenic action of diethanolamine in mice. Toxicol Lett. 2000 Apr 3;114(1-3):67-75. doi: 10.1016/s0378-4274(99)00197-6. 

Abstract. Diethanolamine (DEA), a secondary amine found in a number of consumer products, reportedly induces liver tumors in mice. In an attempt to define the tumorigenic mechanism of DEA, N-nitrosodiethanolamine (NDELA) formation in vivo and development of choline deficiency were examined in mice. DEA was administered with or without supplemental sodium nitrite to B6C3F1 mice via dermal application (with or without access to the application site) or via oral gavage for 2 weeks. Blood levels of DEA reflected the dosing method used; oral greater than dermal with access greater than dermal without access. No NDELA was observed in the urine, blood or gastric contents of any group of treated mice. Choline, phosphocholine and glycerophosphocholine were decreased </=62-84% in an inverse relation to blood DEA levels. These data demonstrated a lack of NDELA formation in vivo at tumorigenic dosages of DEA but revealed a pronounced depletion of choline-containing compounds in mice. It is suggested that the latter effect may underlie DEA tumorigenesis in the mouse.

Craciunescu CN, Niculescu MD, Guo Z, Johnson AR, Fischer L, Zeisel SH. Dose response effects of dermally applied diethanolamine on neurogenesis in fetal mouse hippocampus and potential exposure of humans. Toxicol Sci. 2009 Jan;107(1):220-6. doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kfn227.

Abstract. Diethanolamine (DEA) is a common ingredient of personal care products. Dermal administration of DEA diminishes hepatic stores of the essential nutrient choline and alters brain development. We previously reported that 80 mg/kg/day of DEA during pregnancy in mice reduced neurogenesis and increased apoptosis in the fetal hippocampus. This study was designed to establish the dose-response relationships for this effect of DEA. Timed-pregnant C57BL/6 mouse dams were dosed dermally from gestation day 7-17 with DEA at 0 (controls), 5, 40, 60, and 80 mg/kg body/day. Fetuses (embryonic day 17 [E17]) from dams treated dermally with 80 mg/kg body/day DEA had decreased neural progenitor cell mitosis at the ventricular surface of the ventricular zone (hippocampus, 54.1 +/- 5.5%; cortex, 58.9 +/- 6.8%; compared to controls; p < 0.01). Also, this dose of DEA to dams increased rates of apoptosis in E17 fetal hippocampus (to 177.2 +/- 21.5% of control; measured using activated caspase-3; p < 0.01). This dose of DEA resulted in accumulation of DEA and its metabolites in liver and in plasma. At doses of DEA less than 80 mg/kg body/day to dams, there were no differences between treated and control groups. In a small group of human subjects, dermal treatment for 1 month with a commercially available skin lotion containing 1.8 mg DEA per gram resulted in detectable plasma concentrations of DEA and dimethyldiethanolamine, but these were far below those concentrations associated with perturbed brain development in the mouse.
