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Calcium sulphate
by Frank123 (12004 pt)
2023-Apr-18 17:23

Review Consensus: 9 Rating: 9 Number of users: 1
Evaluation  N. ExpertsEvaluation  N. Experts

Calcium sulphate is a chemical compound, the calcium salt of sulphuric acid.

It appears as a white or yellowish powder.

What it is used for and where


Ingredient included in the list of European food additives as E516 as acidity regulating agent.


It is a restricted ingredient IV/125 as a Relevant Item in the Annexes of the European Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009

Abrasive agent. It contains abrasive particles to remove stains or biofilm that accumulate on the stratum corneum or teeth. Baking soda, kieselguhr, silica and many others have abrasive properties. Peeling or exfoliating products used in dermatology or cosmetic applications contain abrasive agents in the form of synthetic microspheres, however these microspheres or abrasive particles are not biodegradable and create pollution in aquatic ecosystems.

Bulking agent. It regulates the water content, dilutes other solids, can increase the volume of a product for better flow, acts as a buffer against organic acids, helps to keep the pH of the mixture within a certain level.

Opacifying agent. It is useful into formulations that may be translucent or transparent to make them opaque and less permeable to light.


EFSA's Panel on Food Additives provided a scientific opinion reviewing the safety of sulphuric acid (E513) and its salts of sodium (E514), potassium (E515), calcium (E516) and ammonium (E517) when used as food additives. The Panel observed that exposure to sulphates at the mean and 95th percentile in the non-labelled scenario, as well as in the other scenarios, is far below the 300 mg/kg dose that induced a laxative effect in humans. On the basis of the available toxicological database, the Panel concluded that exposure to sulphuric acid (E513), sodium sulphate (E514), potassium sulphates (E515), calcium sulphate (E516) and ammonium sulphate (E517) does not raise safety concerns for the stated uses and use levels and no numerical Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) is required (1).

  • Formula molecolare  CaSO4    CaO4S
  • Peso molecolare   136.14
  • CAS  7778-18-9
  • UNII    E934B3V59H
  • EC Number   231-900-3


(1) EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources added to Food (ANS); Younes M, Aggett P, Aguilar F, Crebelli R, Dusemund B, Filipič M, Frutos MJ, Galtier P, Gott D, Gundert-Remy U, Kuhnle GG, Lambré C, Leblanc JC, Lillegaard IT, Moldeus P, Mortensen A, Oskarsson A, Stankovic I, Waalkens-Berendsen I, Wright M, Di Domenico A, van Loveren H, Giarola A, Horvath Z, Lodi F, Tard A, Woutersen RA. Re-evaluation of aluminium sulphates (E 520-523) and sodium aluminium phosphate (E 541) as food additives. EFSA J. 2018 Jul 27;16(7):e05372. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2018.5372. 
