"Descrizione" by Frank123 (12008 pt) | 2023-Aug-15 21:21 |
Evaluation | N. Experts | Evaluation | N. Experts |
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E554 (Sodium aluminium silicate) is a chemical compound consisting of a series of amorphous hydrated sodium aluminium silicates with generally varying proportions of 66-88% for SiO2 and 5-15% for Al2O3 . It is obtained by the reaction of aluminium sulphate with sodium silicate followed by precipitation. It is also known as 'synthetic zeolite' .
It appears in the form of a white powder.
What it is used for and where
Ingredient included in the list of European food additives as E554 with an anti-caking function. Icing sugar, non-dairy creams and other dry powdered products may contain this ingredient.
The Panel on Food Additives and Flavourings (FAF) provided a scientific opinion reviewing the safety of sodium aluminium silicate (E554) and potassium aluminium silicate (E555) as food additives. Exposure to aluminium from this single use at the maximum permitted level could theoretically far exceed the tolerable weekly intake. Considering the availability of very limited toxicological data and insufficient information on the physicochemical characterisation of both food additives, the Panel concluded that it was not possible to assess the safety of sodium aluminium silicate (E554) and potassium aluminium silicate (E555). (1)
It should be considered that the risk of cumulative intake of aluminium, which can pose a danger to human health, cannot be excluded as this ingredient can be found in widely consumed food products (2).
Other uses
(1) EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Flavourings (FAF), Younes, M., Aquilina, G., Castle, L., Engel, K.H., Fowler, P., Frutos Fernandez, M.J., Fürst, P., Gürtler, R., Gundert‐Remy, U. and Husøy, T., 2020. Re‐evaluation of sodium aluminium silicate (E 554) and potassium aluminium silicate (E 555) as food additives. EFSA Journal, 18(6), p.e06152.
(2) Wong, W.W., Chung, S.W., Kwong, K.P., Yin Ho, Y. and Xiao, Y., 2010. Dietary exposure to aluminium of the Hong Kong population. Food Additives and Contaminants, 27(4), pp.457-463.
Bratakos, S.M., Lazou, A.E., Bratakos, M.S. and Lazos, E.S., 2012. Aluminium in food and daily dietary intake estimate in Greece. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part B, 5(1), pp.33-44.
Evaluate |