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Verbena officinalis leaf extract
by Whiz35 (11826 pt)
2023-Sep-12 21:22

Review Consensus: 10 Rating: 10 Number of users: 1
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Verbena officinalis leaf extract is a naturally derived compound obtained from the leaves of Verbena, Verbena officinalis L., botanical family Verbenaceae.

The name describes the structure of the ingredient.

  • "Verbena" is the botanical genus to which the plant belongs. Plants of this genus are commonly known as vervains.
  • "officinalis". This term is often used in botany to indicate plants that have a history of traditional use, often for medicinal purposes.
  • "Leaf Extract" indicates that the product is an extract derived from the leaves of this plant.

Description of raw materials used in production:

  • Verbena officinalis Leaves. Fresh or dried leaves are the primary raw material.
  • Solvent. Water, alcohol, or other organic solvents may be used to extract the desired compounds from the leaves.
  • Preservatives. Sometimes added to extend the shelf life of the extract.

Detailed summary of the production process.

  • Harvesting. Verbena officinalis leaves are harvested, preferably during the optimal growth season.
  • Preparation. The leaves can either be used fresh or dried for preservation.
  • Extraction. The leaves are soaked in the solvent for a specified period, allowing the desired compounds to get extracted.
  • Filtration. The liquid is filtered to remove solid particles and impurities.
  • Evaporation. If used, alcohol or other organic solvents are evaporated off, leaving behind the concentrated extract.

What it is for and where

Medical Applications

Sedative and Calming Properties. Traditionally, Verbena officinalis Leaf Extract has been used to reduce anxiety and as a mild sedative.

Anti-inflammatory. In herbal medicine, it is sometimes used for its anti-inflammatory properties.


Fragrance. It plays a very important role in the formulation of cosmetic products as it provides the possibility of enhancing, masking or adding fragrance to the final product, increasing its marketability. It is able to create a perceptible pleasant odour, masking a bad smell. The consumer always expects to find a pleasant or distinctive scent in a cosmetic product. 

Skin conditioning agent. It is the mainstay of topical skin treatment as it has the function of restoring, increasing or improving skin tolerance to external factors, including melanocyte tolerance. The most important function of the conditioning agent is to prevent skin dehydration, but the subject is rather complex and involves emollients and humectants that can be added in the formulation.

Commercial Applications

Cosmetics and Skin Care. Verbena officinalis (Vervain) Leaf Extract is used in various skin care products for its toning and purifying properties.

Perfumery. Due to its fresh, citrusy scent, it can be utilized in perfumes and colognes.

Hair Care Products. It may be found in shampoos and conditioners to strengthen and tone hair.

The constituents of Verbena officinalis are numerous and include :

  •     Verbenin
  •     Verbenalin
  •     Alpha-sitosterol
  •     Ursolic acid, a hydroxy acid (1)
  •     Oleanoic acid, a monounsaturated fat (1)
  •     Limonene (3)
  •     Cineol
  •     Kaempferol (2)
  •     Luteolin (2)

also appear many other flavonoids (4) in this seedling with antioxidant properties (5).


(1) Duke J. A. (1992). Handbook of Phytochemical Constituent Grass, Herbs and other Economic Plants. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 624.

(2) Chen G. M., Zhang J. Y., Zhang X. P., Liu H. M. (2006). Study on chemical composition of flavonoids in Verbena officinalis. J. Chin. Med. Mater. 29 677–679.

(3) Chalchat J. C., Garry R. P. (1995). Chemical composition of the leaf oil of Verbena officinalis L. J. Essent. Oil Res. 8 419–420. 10.1080/10412905.1996.9700653

(4) El-Hela AA, Al-Amier HA, Ibrahim TA. Comparative study of the flavonoids of some Verbena species cultivated in Egypt by using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with ultraviolet spectroscopy and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry.  J Chromatogr A. 2010 Oct 8;1217(41):6388-93. doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2010.08.025.

(5) Ono M, Oishi K, Abe H, Masuoka C, Okawa M, Ikeda T, Nohara T. New iridoid glucosides from the aerial parts of Verbena brasiliensis.  Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 2006 Oct;54(10):1421-4.
