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by Al222 (19287 pt)
2024-May-19 10:23

Review Oliprox™ Nail Lacquer 12 ml

What it is used for and where

Oliprox™ Nail Lacquer helps prevent fungal growth and as an adjuvant in the treatment of Onychomycosis.


Supplements and medicines are examined and evaluated solely from the point of view of their chemical composition, based on the relevant scientific studies. No medical opinion is expressed on curative functions. If a medicinal or prescription substance is involved, the overall judgement must be made by the treating physician.

Let us examine the most significant ingredients in order of quantity as indicated on the label. I provide a brief summary for reasons of space. For the complete text, studies, and bibliography, I highly recommend clicking on the ingredient in the description page if you want to learn more. It's perhaps a somewhat complex read because it involves scientific studies, but it clarifies the relationship between the ingredient and health.

Climbazole is a chemical compound used primarily as an antifungal agent in cosmetic and pharmaceutical formulations. It works by inhibiting the synthesis of ergosterol, an essential component of the cell membrane of fungi, thus preventing fungal growth and replication. This makes it an ideal active ingredient in antifungal creams, lotions and shampoos used to treat and prevent fungal infections of the skin and scalp.

Piroctone Olamine is a chemical compound used as an antifungal and antifungal agent in cosmetic formulations, especially in hair care products. It inhibits the growth of microorganisms that cause irritation and flaking, making it an ideal active ingredient in anti-dandruff shampoos and scalp treatments. In addition to promoting a healthy scalp, Piroctone Olamine helps reduce itching and improve the appearance of hair. It is also used in some skin care products, such as creams and lotions, for its antimicrobial properties.

Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) extract is an antimicrobial agent that can suppress or inhibit the growth and replication of a broad spectrum of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses by making the stratum corneum temporarily bactericidal and fungicidal.

Urea is a component of the skin's natural moisturizing factor, plays an important role in preserving skin hydration and integrity. We find it in human excretion, especially in urine, and it is rich in nitrogen.


Excellent cream aimed at achieving the goals set by the manufacturer: antifungal compound for use on fingernails and toenails. The production of this cream is in Greece. The only drawback is the error in the label of the Latin name ROSEMARINUS instead of Rosmarinus.

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