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Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Callus Extract
by admin (13659 pt)
2024-Jul-26 18:53

Cucumis sativus callus extract is derived from the callus tissue of the cucumber plant. Callus tissue is a type of plant tissue that is used in cell culture to produce bioactive compounds. This extract is utilized in cosmetics and personal care products for its skin-conditioning and regenerative properties.

Chemical Composition and Structure

Cucumis sativus callus extract contains a variety of bioactive compounds, including:

  • Proteins and Peptides: Contains proteins and peptides that can promote skin regeneration and improve skin texture.
  • Carbohydrates: Includes polysaccharides that contribute to skin hydration and protection.
  • Antioxidants: Contains antioxidants like flavonoids and vitamins (e.g., Vitamin C), which help protect the skin from oxidative stress and environmental damage.
  • Growth Factors: Features plant growth factors that support cellular repair and renewal.

The chemical structure of Cucumis sativus callus extract includes a range of biologically active molecules that are beneficial for maintaining and improving skin health.

Physical Properties

Cucumis sativus callus extract typically appears as a clear or slightly cloudy liquid with a fresh, vegetal odor. It is water-soluble and generally has a pH that is compatible with the skin, making it suitable for incorporation into cosmetic formulations.

Production Process 

The production of Cucumis sativus callus extract involves the following steps:

  • Cultivation and Harvesting: Cucumbers are cultivated, and callus tissue is generated from the plant. Callus tissue is grown under controlled conditions in cell culture environments.
  • Preparation: The callus tissue is collected and prepared for extraction. This involves cleaning and possibly homogenizing the tissue to facilitate extraction.
  • Extraction: The bioactive compounds are extracted from the callus tissue using methods such as centrifugation and filtration. These methods help isolate and concentrate the beneficial components.
  • Purification: The extract is purified to remove any impurities and ensure a high-quality product. Purification techniques may include additional filtration and centrifugation.
  • Formulation: The purified callus extract is incorporated into various cosmetic formulations, such as creams, lotions, serums, and masks. It is combined with other ingredients to enhance its efficacy and benefits.
  • Quality Control: The final product undergoes rigorous quality control testing to ensure it meets safety, efficacy, and performance standards. This includes checks for purity, stability, and compatibility with other ingredients.
  • Storage: Cucumis sativus callus extract is stored in airtight containers, protected from light, moisture, and heat, to maintain its stability and effectiveness.


Medical: Cucumis sativus callus extract can be used in pharmaceutical formulations for its regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties. It may be employed in treatments aimed at improving skin health and promoting cellular repair.

Cosmetics: In cosmetics, Cucumis sativus callus extract is valued for its skin-conditioning and anti-aging properties. It is used in a range of products, including creams, lotions, serums, and masks, to improve skin hydration, texture, and elasticity.

Others: The extract can also be used in other personal care products to benefit from its regenerative and protective qualities.

Cosmetics - INCI Functions

  • Antioxidant agent. Ingredient that counteracts oxidative stress and prevents cell damage. Free radicals, pathological inflammatory processes, reactive nitrogen species and reactive oxygen species are responsible for the ageing process and many diseases caused by oxidation.
  • Skin protectant. It creates a protective barrier on the skin to defend it from harmful substances, irritants, allergens, pathogens that can cause various inflammatory conditions. These products can also improve the natural skin barrier and in most cases more than one is needed to achieve an effective result.

Environmental and Safety Considerations

Cucumis sativus callus extract is generally considered safe for use in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals when used according to recommended guidelines. It is a natural ingredient with a low risk of irritation or allergic reactions. From an environmental perspective, the production of callus extracts is relatively sustainable, especially if responsible cultivation and cell culture practices are employed. Ensuring that production processes adhere to sustainable practices helps minimize any potential ecological impact.
