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by admin (18679 pt)
2024-Sep-06 10:38

Polysaccharides are macromolecules composed of long chains of monosaccharides linked together by glycosidic bonds. They are found naturally in a wide range of plant, bacterial, and animal sources. Polysaccharides are used in cosmetics and skincare for their hydrating, film-forming, and stabilizing properties.

Chemical Composition and Structure: Polysaccharides consist of units of monosaccharides such as glucose, galactose, mannose, and other sugars. Their structure can be linear or branched, depending on the type of linkage between the sugar units. Common polysaccharides include hyaluronic acid, beta-glucan, and xanthan gum.

Physical Properties:

  • Color: Typically colorless or white, depending on purity and type of polysaccharide.
  • Consistency: Can vary from a fine powder to a viscous solution, depending on the form and concentration.
  • Odor: Generally odorless.
  • Solubility: Soluble in water (for some) and can form gels or viscous solutions.

Production Process:

  1. Extraction: Polysaccharides can be extracted from natural sources such as algae, plants, or bacteria through physical or chemical extraction methods.
  2. Purification: The extract is purified to remove impurities and obtain a concentrated, active form.
  3. Formulation: Purified polysaccharides can be formulated into powders, solutions, or gels depending on the desired application.
  4. Preservation: Products containing polysaccharides should be stored under controlled conditions to maintain stability and effectiveness.


  • Cosmetics: Used in creams, lotions, serums, and masks for their hydrating and film-forming properties. They help retain moisture in the skin and improve skin texture.
  • Skincare: Incorporated into products designed to provide hydration and create a protective barrier on the skin.
  • Stabilizers: Used to stabilize emulsions and gels, enhancing the consistency and stability of cosmetic products.

Environmental and Safety Considerations:

  • Sustainability: The use of natural polysaccharides should be carried out with sustainable practices to minimize environmental impact.
  • Storage: Polysaccharides should be stored in a cool, dry place to maintain their quality and prevent degradation.
