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Sodium lauroyl glutamate

Rating : 8

<1 / 1>from Al222

Sodium lauroyl glutamate is a mild anionic surfactant derived from natural sources such as coconut oil and glutamic acid, an amino acid. It is commonly used in skincare, haircare, and personal hygiene products for its excellent cleansing, foaming, and emulsifying properties. Sodium lauroyl glutamate is known for being gentle on the skin, makin... (Read the full Tiiip)

15 pts from Ark90

EvaluateWhere is this found?

"Sodium lauroyl glutamate studies" about Sodium lauroyl glutamate   Review Consensus 16
by Ark90 (12415 pt)
2020-Nov-22 12:29
The most important studies on Sodium lauroyl glutamate: properties, safety, phytochemistry. Safety Assessment of Amino Acid Alkyl Amides as Used in Cosmetics.Burnett CL, Heldreth B, Bergfeld WF, ...
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"Descrizione" about Sodium lauroyl glutamate   Review Consensus 15
by Ark90 (12415 pt)
2024-Oct-04 16:33
Sodium lauroyl glutamate is a mild anionic surfactant derived from natural sources such as coconut oil and glutamic acid, an amino acid. It is commonly used in skincare, haircare, and personal hy ...
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Component type:   Chemical

Main substances:   L-Glutamic acid

Last update:   2019-05-30 08:02:13

Chemical Risk:   Irritant