400 MHz maximum analog bandwidth on the TDS 460A
200 MHz maximum analog bandwidth on the TDS 410A and TDS 420A
100 Megasamples/second maximum digitizing rate
Roll mode and triggered roll mode for display of slower waveforms
Waveform Math — Invert a single waveform and add, subtract, and multiply
two waveforms. On instruments equipped with option 2F, integrate or
differentiate a single waveform or perform an FFT (fast fourier transform) on
a waveform to display its magnitude or phase versus its frequency.
Up to 30,000-point record length per channel (120,000-point optional)
Full GPIB software programmability. GPIB hardcopy output. On instru-
ments equipped with option 13, hardcopy output using the RS-232 or
Centronics ports. On-board printer capability with option 3P instruments.
Complete measurement and documentation ability
Intuitive graphical icon operation blended with the familiarity of traditional
horizontal and vertical knobs
Four channels and four eight-bit digitizers on TDS 420A and TDS 460A.
Two channels and two eight-bit digitizers on TDS 410A.
Bandwidth :
200 MHz (TDS 420A),
400 MHz (TDS 430A, TDS 460A).
Channels :
4 (2 on TDS 430A).
Sample Rate
100 MS/s on all channels.
Sensitivity :
1mV to 10 V/div
(with calibrated fine adjust).
Position Range
±5 Divisions.
Offset Range ±1 V from 1 to 99.5
±10 V from 100mV to 995
±100 V from 1 to 10 V/div.
DC Gain Accuracy
Vertical Resolution
8-Bits (256 levels over 10.24 vertical divisions).
Analog Bandwidth Selections :
20 MHz, 100 MHz, and full.
Input Coupling
AC, DC or GND.
Input Impedance Selections
1 MΩ in
parallel with 15 pF, or 50 Ω(AC and DC coupling).
Maximum Input Voltage
300 V CAT II ± 400 Vpeak. Derate at 20dB/decade above 1MHz. 1 MΩ
or GND coupled.
Channel Isolation
100:1 at 100 MHz for any two channels.
AC Coupled Low Frequency Limit
≤10 Hz when AC 1 MΩ coupled.
≤200 kHz when AC 50 Ω coupled