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Franco Fabrizi

Rating : 7

<1 / 1>from Al222

Franco Fabrizi (Francesco Fabbrizzi, Cortemaggiore, Italy 15 Feb 1916 – Cortemaggiore, Italy 18 Oct 1995).Film Career. Fabrizi was a talented Italian actor known for his versatility and charisma. He appeared in a series of successful Italian films, including "I Vitelloni" (1953) directed by Federico Fellini and "Un americano a ... (Read the full Tiiip)

0 pts from Al222

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"Descrizione" about Franco Fabrizi  
by Al222 (19288 pt)
2024-Mar-13 21:30
Franco Fabrizi (Francesco Fabbrizzi, Cortemaggiore, Italy 15 Feb 1916 – Cortemaggiore, Italy 18 Oct 1995).Film Career. Fabrizi was a talented Italian actor known for his versatility and charisma ...
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Last update:   2014-05-20 19:22:21

Film:   Il Piccolo Diavolo
