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Agave syrup

Rating : 4


High fructose content (1)

<1 / 1>from Al222

Agave syrup is mostly obtained from the Agave Tequiliana Weber var. azur grown mainly in the western regions of Mexico and also used to produce Tequila. It is a species of bluish succulent plant with robust stems that end in spines and belongs to the Agavaceae family.The composition of the agave syrup, mainly used for food use, as a sweetener, is o... (Read the full Tiiip)

8 pts from FCS777

EvaluateWhere is this found?

"Agave syrup studies" about Agave syrup   Review Consensus 8
by FCS777 (5555 pt)
2019-Jun-12 19:03
Phytochemical profiles and classification of Agave syrups using 1H-NMR and chemometrics.Velázquez Ríos IO, González-García G, Mellado-Mojica E, Veloz García RA, Dzul ...
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"Descrizione" about Agave syrup   Review Consensus 8
by FCS777 (5555 pt)
2024-Feb-09 11:39
Agave syrup is mostly obtained from the Agave Tequiliana Weber var. azur grown mainly in the western regions of Mexico and also used to produce Tequila. It is a species of bluish succulent plant with ...
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Component type:   Natural

Main substances:   Fructose

Last update:   2023-09-06 09:46:40

Chemical Risk:   No chemical risk