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Corn Syrup

Rating : 4


High fructose content (1)

<1 / 1>from Al222

The term "corn syrup" is usually found in the ingredients of baked goods and beverages, in the food field, and is a rather unusual term as it does not specify whether the content is fructose, glucose or both.Corn syrup contains, in any case, a high percentage of fructose, a component rather discussed from a healthy point of view because it has nume... (Read the full Tiiip)

8 pts from Nat45

EvaluateWhere is this found?

"Corn Syrup studies" about Corn Syrup   Review Consensus 8
by Nat45 (5707 pt)
2020-Nov-15 11:22
There is a lot of scientific literature on corn syrup, its fructose content and its consequences. The most significant studies: Beisner J, Gonzalez-Granda A, Basrai M, Damms-Machado A, Bischoff SC. ...
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"Descrizione" about Corn Syrup   Review Consensus 8
by Nat45 (5707 pt)
2020-Nov-15 11:20
The term "corn syrup" is usually found in the ingredients of baked goods and beverages, in the food field, and is a rather unusual term as it does not specify whether the content is fructose, glucose ...
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Component type:   Natural

Main substances:   Fructose

Last update:   2020-11-15 11:09:48

Chemical Risk:   No chemical risk