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Cardioprotective (1) Wound-healing (1) Skin protective (1) Antibacterial (1)

<1 / 1>from Street82

Tragacanth gum is a natural dry rubber anionic polysaccharide, a hydrocolloid highly resistant to acids and has been accepted since 1961 as GRAS (a level of approval of the Food and Drug Administration, USA) at the level of 0.2 -1.3% (Anderson and Bridgeman 1985).Tragacanth gum consists of two components: 1. Bassorin (insoluble in water and capable... (Read the full Tiiip)

0 pts from Al222

EvaluateWhere is this found?

"Tragacanth gum, studies 2016" about Tragacanth   Review Consensus 8
by Street82 (2962 pt)
2019-Oct-23 12:17
The tragacanth gum is obtained from many leguminous plants and, in particular from the Astragalus gummifer, a seedling known in traditional medicine for multiple pharmacological activities: antiperspi ...
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"Descrizione" about Tragacanth  
by Al222 (19197 pt)
2023-Apr-14 14:23
Tragacanth gum is a natural dry rubber anionic polysaccharide, a hydrocolloid highly resistant to acids and has been accepted since 1961 as GRAS (a level of approval of the Food and Drug Administratio ...
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Component type:   Natural

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Last update:   2023-04-14 14:11:50

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