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Rating : 7


Anti-inflammatory (1) Oculoprotective (1)


Probable animal origin (1)

<1 / 1>from Al222

The gelatin is a protein material derived from natural collagen.This is the definition of "Gelatin" by the GMIA protocol (Gelatin Manufacturers Institute of America) (1):Gelatin is the product obtained from the acid, alkaline, or enzymatic treatment of collagen, the chief protein component of the skins, bones, and connective tissues ... (Read the full Tiiip)

9 pts from Frank123

EvaluateWhere is this found?

"Descrizione" about Gelatin   Review Consensus 9
by Frank123 (12004 pt)
2023-May-23 12:48
The gelatin is a protein material derived from natural collagen.This is the definition of "Gelatin" by the GMIA protocol (Gelatin Manufacturers Institute of America) (1):Gelatin is the ...
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Component type:   Chemical

Main substances:  

Last update:   2023-05-21 17:30:18

Chemical Risk:   No chemical risk