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Rating : 3

<1 / 2>from Street82
<2 / 2>from Frank123

Phytoplasmas are cell wall-less plant-pathogenic bacteria that inhabit the phloem of infected plants. They are transferred by phloem feeding insect vectors (1) or by vegetative propagation of infected plants, and can infect more than 700 plant species (2), including many economically important crops. In wild and cultivated Rubus species like raspb... (Read the full Tiiip)

32 pts from Street82

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"Descrizione" about Phytoplasma   Review Consensus 32
by Street82 (2962 pt)
2020-Nov-16 09:47
Phytoplasmas are cell wall-less plant-pathogenic bacteria that inhabit the phloem of infected plants. They are transferred by phloem feeding insect vectors (1) or by vegetative propagation of infecte ...
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Component type:   Natural

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Last update:   2017-12-27 17:02:20

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