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Rating : 8

<1 / 1>from Radar

AMSAT.org is a website dedicated to the projects and activities of AMSAT, the amateur radio organization involved in satellites.The tracking system "refreshes" the information each time you select a satellite :ISS, AO-91, Atlantis, BIRD-N etc.http://www.amsat.org/track/satloc.php?lang=en&satellite=ISSGOLF CubeSat ProgramThis is the ne... (Read the full Tiiip)

10 pts from Radar

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"Descrizione" about amsat   Review Consensus 10
by Radar (1992 pt)
2023-Nov-22 21:30
AMSAT.org is a website dedicated to the projects and activities of AMSAT, the amateur radio organization involved in satellites.The tracking system "refreshes" the information each time you ...
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Download:   http://www.amsat.org/track/satloc.php?lang=en&satellite=ISS

Last update:   2018-01-01 16:33:21
