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Charlie Parker

Rating : 9.8

<1 / 1>from Ark90

Charlie Parker (Charles Christopher Parker jr.1920, Kansas City, Kansas, U.S. - 1955) was a saxophonist who invented the Bebop musical style. The other Bebop musician was Dizzy Gillespie. From 1935 to 1938 Charlie Parker played with his band in Kansas City having a good success. He therefore decided to move to New York in 1939. From 1940 to 1951 ... (Read the full Tiiip)

0 pts from Ark90

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"Description" about Charlie Parker  
by Ark90 (12415 pt)
2018-Apr-01 19:36
Charlie Parker (Charles Christopher Parker jr.1920, Kansas City, Kansas, U.S. - 1955) was a saxophonist who invented the Bebop musical style. The other Bebop musician was Dizzy Gillespie. From 1935 t ...
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Sito Web ufficiale:  

Data di Decesso:   1955-Mar-12

Last update:   2018-04-01 19:13:09

Data di Nascita:   1920-Aug-29