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Willie Nelson

Rating : 10

<1 / 1>from FRanier

Willie Nelson (1933, Abbott, Texas, U.S.) is one of the best country musicians.Singer, composer, actor, poet.Career1960 Begins in Nashville, TennesseeSuccess 1973 Shotgun Willie first successful album 1975 Red Headed Stranger second successful album1978 Stardust third successful album Personal matters 1974 Arrested for possession of marij... (Read the full Tiiip)

0 pts from FRanier

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"Description" about Willie Nelson  
by FRanier (9976 pt)
2018-Apr-05 15:19
Willie Nelson (1933, Abbott, Texas, U.S.) is one of the best country musicians.Singer, composer, actor, poet.Career1960 Begins in Nashville, TennesseeSuccess 1973 Shotgun Willie first successful al ...
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"Willie Nelson - Blue Eyes Crying In" about Willie Nelson  
by FRanier (9976 pt)
2018-Apr-04 21:21
Willie Nelson - Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain - 1980 3'08" ...
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Sito Web ufficiale:   www.willienelson.com

Data di Decesso:  

Last update:   2018-04-04 19:40:17

Data di Nascita:   1933-Apr-29