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High fixed residue at 180°

<1 / 1>from Frank123

The  fixed residue at 180 °mg/l is the residue of mineral salts of a water brought to boiling point up to 180°. This value is used in mineral water to indicate the total weight of mineral salts. The lower the value, the lighter the mineral water is. A high value of the Residue fixed at 180° indicates that the water contains mine... (Read the full Tiiip)

0 pts from Frank123

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"Descrizione" about High fixed residue at 180°  
by Frank123 (12054 pt)
2020-Nov-16 11:54
The  fixed residue at 180 °mg/l is the residue of mineral salts of a water brought to boiling point up to 180°. This value is used in mineral water to indicate the total weight of minera ...
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Last update:   2019-09-12 21:02:57