Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co KG launched the EB200 receiver in 1999.
- Ergonomic design for portable use
- 1000 definable memory positions
- Battery pack with 2 lithium batteries NJ1020 12V 3A
- Extreme scan speed: 125 channels per second
- Continuous frequency range from 10 kHz to 3 GHz
- Tracking illegal transmitter
- Locate the target transmitter at close and medium range using HE200 handheld directional antenna
- Digital IF-Part with 12 bandwidths (150 Hz to 150 kHz)
- Fast, accurate level indicator, over 110 dB dynamic range
- Search cycle options: Frequency search and memory search
- Frequency spectrum (option)
- IF-Panorama-Display (Option
- Remote control via RS232 C PPP or LAN (Ethernet 10Base-T)
The R&S® EB200 is a receiver with a third intermediate frequency of 10.7 MHz. Despite its compact size, an advanced receiver concept could be implemented. The receiver input is equipped with a high-pass/low-pass combination or tracking preselection, as required, to reduce the signal sum load. Intermodulation suppression is equal to that of many receivers used in stationary applications. The low degree of oscillator repetition is the result of large-scale filtering. A modern synthesizer concept with very low phase noise allows switching times of less than 3 ms. Efficient frequency and memory scanning is thus possible.
The EB200 has proven particularly suitable for military and spectrum monitoring tasks as well as for use in radio survey services.
The range of applications includes:
- Signal detection
- Signal search in frequency and memory scan mode
- Spectrum occupancy measurement
- RF and IF analysis
- Coverage measurements (option)
- Field strength measurements
In 2003, the M/B was upgraded because the receiver was suffering from annoying spikes on all frequencies. In the new M/B a new RAM module was added.
Users had noticed a slowness in charging the batteries, which, for a portable receiver, created some problems. In 2006 a limited series of EB200 was released with an additional power supply that solved the problem by charging one battery at a time, with a switch in the Battery pack to select one or the other battery to be charged. The only drawback was that the display only detected battery #2 and 0% the percentage of charge of the 2 batteries but the inconvenience was small.
Battery pack Ver 1.0
Battery pack Ver 2.0
The original package included:
Suitcase with internal padding
User, operating and programming manual
Battery pack
2 Batteries NJ1020
EB200 has been used especially for radiolocation of illegal radio stations by Armed Forces, Police and other state radio control agencies.