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Chromium picolinate

Rating : 6

<1 / 1>from Al222

Chromium picolinate is a complex chemical compound consisting of chromium(III) and picolinic acid (a natural metabolic derivative of tryptophan), stable at room temperature.It occurs as a fine, red powder, slightly difficult to dissolve in water, insoluble in ethanol where chromium is trivalent chromium.What it is used for and where it is usedBackg... (Read the full Tiiip)

10 pts from Al222

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"Descrizione" about Chromium picolinate   Review Consensus 10
by Al222 (19285 pt)
2022-Jan-07 21:10
Chromium picolinate is a complex chemical compound consisting of chromium(III) and picolinic acid (a natural metabolic derivative of tryptophan), stable at room temperature.It occurs as a fine, red po ...
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"Chromium picolinate studies" about Chromium picolinate   Review Consensus 10
by Al222 (19285 pt)
2022-Jan-07 10:49
Compendium of the most significant studies with reference to properties, intake, effects.Reading SA. Chromium picolinate. J Fla Med Assoc. 1996 Jan;83(1):29-31.Abstract. Analogues of picolinic acid ha ...
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Component type:   Chemical

Main substances:   Chromium

Last update:   2022-01-06 18:32:42

Chemical Risk:   Irritant