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Rating : 8

<1 / 1>from Ark90

Squalane is a bioactive substance, a saturated oil derived from squalene that is found in shark liver oil, vegetable oils and human sebum. EU Directive 2003/15/EC reduced the use of squalane from animal sources and manufacturers of this oil now obtain it from plant sources including olive oil and sugar cane.It occurs as a colourless or slightl... (Read the full Tiiip)

9 pts from Ark90

EvaluateWhere is this found?

"Squalane studies" about Squalane   Review Consensus 10
by Ark90 (12416 pt)
2022-Feb-03 18:54
Compendium of the most significant studies with reference to properties, intake, effects.Martínez de Murguía Fernández L, Puig Algora G, Bajona Roig M, Bacchini G. Effectiven ...
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"Descrizione" about Squalane   Review Consensus 9
by Ark90 (12416 pt)
2022-Feb-03 19:32
Squalane is a bioactive substance, a saturated oil derived from squalene that is found in shark liver oil, vegetable oils and human sebum. EU Directive 2003/15/EC reduced the use of squalane from ...
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Component type:   Chemical

Main substances:   Squalene

Last update:   2022-02-03 17:59:34

Chemical Risk: