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c20-22 alcohols

Rating : 7

<1 / 1>from A_Partyns

c20-22 alcohols is a chemical compound, aliphatic alcohols with 20 to 22 carbon atoms in the alkyl chain.The specific alcohols involved can vary, but generally include:Eicosanol (C20H41OH), an alcohol with a chain of 20 carbon atoms. It is also known as 1-eicosanol or simply eicosanol.Eneicosanol (C21H43OH), an alcohol with a chain of 21 carbon ato... (Read the full Tiiip)

0 pts from A_Partyns

EvaluateWhere is this found?

"Descrizione" about c20-22 alcohols  
by A_Partyns (12876 pt)
2023-Aug-22 12:48
c20-22 alcohols is a chemical compound, aliphatic alcohols with 20 to 22 carbon atoms in the alkyl chain.The specific alcohols involved can vary, but generally include:Eicosanol (C20H41OH), an alcohol ...
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Component type:   Chemical

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Last update:   2022-02-04 11:33:19

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