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Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Water

Rating : 7

<1 / 1>from Whiz35

Aloe barbadensis (Miller) or Aloe Vera is one of the 400 or more species of Aloe. It is a cactus, a slow-growing perennial succulent plant belonging to the Aloeaceae family (some include it in either the Liliaceae or Asphodelaceae families) that evolved in the arid environments of North Africa.The most common aloes used in medicine and cosmetics ar... (Read the full Tiiip)

10 pts from Whiz35

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"Descrizione" about Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Water   Review Consensus 10
by Whiz35 (11824 pt)
2022-Oct-14 19:21
Aloe barbadensis (Miller) or Aloe Vera is one of the 400 or more species of Aloe. It is a cactus, a slow-growing perennial succulent plant belonging to the Aloeaceae family (some include it in either ...
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Component type:   Natural

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Last update:   2022-10-14 19:18:38

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