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Isocetyl isodecanoate

Rating : 6

Isocetyl isodecanoate is a chemical compound, an esters mixture resulting from the reaction of branched-chain cetyl alcohols with branched-chain decanoic acids.What it is used for and whereCosmeticsSkin conditioning agent - Emollient. Emollients have the characteristic of enhancing the skin barrier through a source of exogenous lipids that adhere... (Read the full Tiiip)

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"Description" about Isocetyl isodecanoate  
by admin (19002 pt)
2022-Dec-18 12:00
Isocetyl isodecanoate is a chemical compound, an esters mixture resulting from the reaction of branched-chain cetyl alcohols with branched-chain decanoic acids.What it is used for and whereCosmetics ...
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Last update:   2022-12-18 12:00:00

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