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Rhamnose is an organic chemical compound, a monosaccharide naturally occurring deoxy sugar, a methyl-pentose or a 6-deoxy-hexose. In nature, it appears in the form L- and is obtained chemically from sea buckthorn and algae belonging to the Bacillariophyceae family. What it is used for and whereCosmetics Flavoring agent. The purpose of this ingredie... (Read the full Tiiip)

0 pts from admin

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"Description" about Rhamnose  
by admin (18661 pt)
2022-Dec-18 12:00
Rhamnose is an organic chemical compound, a monosaccharide naturally occurring deoxy sugar, a methyl-pentose or a 6-deoxy-hexose. In nature, it appears in the form L- and is obtained chemically from s ...
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Last update:   2022-12-18 12:00:00

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