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Ascorbyl tocopheryl maleate

Rating : 7

Ascorbyl tocopheryl maleate is a chemical compound, lipophilic molecule and amphiphilic lipid, which includes vitamin E, but is structurally different, synthesised by photosynthetic organisms via enzymes. It is generally produced from vegetable oils by Soxhlet extraction using hexane, but also by different multi-step processes. This ingredient is a... (Read the full Tiiip)

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"Description" about Ascorbyl tocopheryl maleate  
by admin (18998 pt)
2022-Dec-18 12:00
Ascorbyl tocopheryl maleate is a chemical compound, lipophilic molecule and amphiphilic lipid, which includes vitamin E, but is structurally different, synthesised by photosynthetic organisms via enzy ...
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Last update:   2022-12-18 12:00:00

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