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Citrus Reticulata (Tangerine) Peel Extract

Rating : 7

<1 / 1>from Al222

Citrus Reticulata (Tangerine) Peel Extract is a botanical ingredient obtained from the tree of the same name, Citrus Reticulata, the tangerine. Like all trees of the Rutaceae family, the fruit is used industrially by food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies. It contains numerous components of interest to human health such as flavonoids... (Read the full Tiiip)

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"Descrizione" about Citrus Reticulata (Tangerine) Peel Extract  
by admin (18700 pt)
2023-Sep-11 21:34
Citrus Reticulata (Tangerine) Peel Extract is a botanical ingredient obtained from the tree of the same name, Citrus Reticulata, the tangerine. Like all trees of the Rutaceae family, the fru ...
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Last update:   2023-09-11 21:29:53

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