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Vitis vinifera (grape) vine extract

Rating : 7

<1 / 1>from Al222

Vitis vinifera (grape) vine extract is a botanical ingredient obtained from the tree of the same name, the grapevine. In the stem as well as in the leaves, seeds and grapes, there are constituents of interest from a health point of view. Ascorbic acid, biotin, malic acid, resveratrol, various polyphenols possess a wide range of biological prop... (Read the full Tiiip)

0 pts from admin

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"Descrizione" about Vitis vinifera (grape) vine extract  
by admin (18661 pt)
2023-Sep-25 16:48
Vitis vinifera (grape) vine extract is a botanical ingredient obtained from the tree of the same name, the grapevine. In the stem as well as in the leaves, seeds and grapes, there are constituent ...
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Last update:   2023-09-19 19:43:01

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