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Eucalyptus globulus

Rating : 7

 Eucalyptus globulus,  Eucalyptus, is a large plant that easily reaches 30/40 meters high and thrives in temperate regions.There are about 800 species of eucalyptus, including:Eucalyptus staigerianaEucalyptus camaldulensisEucalyptus pellitaEucalyptus regnansEucalyptus grandisEucalyptus urophyllaEucalyptus SideroxylonEucalyptus maideniiEuc... (Read the full Tiiip)

0 pts from admin

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"Descrizione" about Eucalyptus globulus  
by admin (18679 pt)
2024-Aug-29 15:49
 Eucalyptus globulus,  Eucalyptus, is a large plant that easily reaches 30/40 meters high and thrives in temperate regions.There are about 800 species of eucalyptus, including:Eucalyptus sta ...
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Last update:   2024-08-29 15:30:02

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