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Concentrated lemon juice

Rating : 8

<1 / 1>from Whiz35

Concentrated lemon juice is an industrial foodstuff.Lemon (Citrus limon), originates from the evergreen perennial tree belonging to the Rutaceae family, probably had its origins in Southeast Asia and was imported into the Mediterranean regions around 300 BC.Most common species:Citrus AurantifoliaCitrus LimonCitrus LimonMedical CitrusThe c... (Read the full Tiiip)

10 pts from FCS777

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"Descrizione" about Concentrated lemon juice   Review Consensus 10
by FCS777 (5566 pt)
2023-Mar-21 15:10
Concentrated lemon juice is an industrial foodstuff.Lemon (Citrus limon), originates from the evergreen perennial tree belonging to the Rutaceae family, probably had its origins in Southeast ...
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Component type:   Natural

Main substances:   Lemon

Last update:   2023-03-21 15:02:11

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