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Acidity regulators

Rating : 6

Acidity correctors are ingredients that regulate pH and impart a sour taste to food products, but in many cases they also act as preservatives while maintaining the shelf life of the product.A pH value of 7 is neutral, a pH below 7 is acidic, a pH above 7 is basic or alkaline.Some acidity correctors:Calcium acetate E263Acetic acidAscorbic acidCitri... (Read the full Tiiip)

7 pts from Flight444

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"Descrizione" about Acidity regulators   Review Consensus 7
by Flight444 (3413 pt)
2023-Mar-22 16:38
Acidity correctors are ingredients that regulate pH and impart a sour taste to food products, but in many cases they also act as preservatives while maintaining the shelf life of the product.A pH valu ...
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Component type:   Chemical

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Last update:   2023-03-22 16:35:41

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