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Ammonia caramel

Rating : 4

<1 / 1>from AColumn

Ammonia caramel is a chemical compound, an ingredient included in the list of European food additives as a colouring agent.It appears in the form of a light brown powder.What it is used for and whereFoodA food additive colouring agent included with the number E150 in the list of European food additives. This number includes 4 types of Caramel :E150... (Read the full Tiiip)

10 pts from AColumn

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"Descrizione" about Ammonia caramel   Review Consensus 10
by AColumn (9309 pt)
2023-Mar-24 18:10
Ammonia caramel is a chemical compound, an ingredient included in the list of European food additives as a colouring agent.It appears in the form of a light brown powder.What it is used for and whereF ...
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Component type:   Chemical

Main substances:   Sugar

Last update:   2023-03-24 18:08:48

Chemical Risk: