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High fructose corn syrup

Rating : 4


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<1 / 1>from Al222

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a liquid sweetener made by enzymatically transforming corn starch into glucose, followed by converting a portion of this glucose into fructose. HFCS is widely used in the food industry for its sweetening properties, its ability to extend the shelf life of products, and its relatively low cost.Composition. HFCS com... (Read the full Tiiip)

10 pts from A_Partyns

EvaluateWhere is this found?

"Descrizione" about High fructose corn syrup   Review Consensus 10
by A_Partyns (12874 pt)
2024-Feb-18 10:11
High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a liquid sweetener made by enzymatically transforming corn starch into glucose, followed by converting a portion of this glucose into fructose. HFCS is widely used i ...
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Component type:   Chemical

Main substances:   Fructose

Last update:   2024-02-18 09:45:03

Chemical Risk: