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Rating : 6


Preservative (1)

<1 / 1>from Street82

E284 (Boric acid) is a naturally occurring inorganic acid that plays a direct role in calcium metabolism in mammals and is considered a vital micronutrient, however toxic at high concentrations in animals. It is hydrogen borate, a weak boron acid.It was originally registered in the USA as a household insecticide and is still an effective ... (Read the full Tiiip)

10 pts from Street82

EvaluateWhere is this found?

"Descrizione" about E284   Review Consensus 10
by Street82 (2968 pt)
2023-Apr-10 15:15
E284 (Boric acid) is a naturally occurring inorganic acid that plays a direct role in calcium metabolism in mammals and is considered a vital micronutrient, however toxic at high concentrations i ...
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Component type:   Chemical

Main substances:   Acido borico

Last update:   2023-04-10 12:13:59

Chemical Risk: