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Rating : 6

<1 / 1>from Frank123

E516 (Calcium sulfate) is a chemical compound, sulfuric acid calcium salt.Calcium sulfate is chemically classified as an inorganic colorant. This pigment is widely used in various industrial and cosmetic applications due to its excellent physical and chemical properties, including high stability, non-reactivity, and versatility.Chemical Composition... (Read the full Tiiip)

9 pts from Frank123

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"Descrizione" about E516   Review Consensus 9
by Frank123 (12004 pt)
2024-May-31 15:11
E516 (Calcium sulfate) is a chemical compound, sulfuric acid calcium salt.Calcium sulfate is chemically classified as an inorganic colorant. This pigment is widely used in various industrial and cosme ...
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Component type:   Chemical

Main substances:   Calcium sulphate

Last update:   2023-04-17 19:54:25

Chemical Risk: