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<1 / 1>from Frank123

E522 (Aluminum potassium sulfate) is an inorganic chemical compound and is produced by treating bauxite with sulphuric acid, followed by potassium sulphate, or by adding potassium sulphate to a concentrated solution of aluminium sulphate, or by calcination and leaching with sulphuric acid. It is alum.It appears as a whitish powder or yellowish flak... (Read the full Tiiip)

8 pts from Frank123

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"Descrizione" about E522   Review Consensus 8
by Frank123 (12004 pt)
2023-Apr-18 17:42
E522 (Aluminum potassium sulfate) is an inorganic chemical compound and is produced by treating bauxite with sulphuric acid, followed by potassium sulphate, or by adding potassium sulphate to a concen ...
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Component type:   Chemical

Main substances:   Aluminium potassium sulphate

Last update:   2023-04-18 17:40:53

Chemical Risk: