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Inverted sugar

Rating : 5


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<1 / 1>from Al222

Inverted sugar is a commercial mixture composed of Sucrose, Glucose, and Fructose. Invert sugar is a sweetener made by breaking sucrose, or table sugar, into its two component sugars, glucose and fructose, through a process called hydrolysis. This produces a syrup that is sweeter than sucrose, with a softer mouthfeel and improved preservative quali... (Read the full Tiiip)

8 pts from FRanier

EvaluateWhere is this found?

"Descrizione" about Inverted sugar   Review Consensus 8
by FRanier (9976 pt)
2024-Apr-08 10:29
Inverted sugar is a commercial mixture composed of Sucrose, Glucose, and Fructose. Invert sugar is a sweetener made by breaking sucrose, or table sugar, into its two component sugars, glucose and fruc ...
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Component type:   Chemical

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Last update:   2023-04-24 19:41:24

Chemical Risk: