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<1 / 1>from Frank123

Tropicamide (N-ethyly-2-phenyl-N-(4-pyridyl-methyl)-hydracrylamide) is a chemical compound.It appears as a white powder soluble in water and stable in aqueous solution with an acid pK of about 5.0.What it is used for and whereMedicalTropicamide is an anticholinergic medicinal active ingredient (i.e. it exerts counter activity at the recep... (Read the full Tiiip)

0 pts from Frank123

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"Descrizione" about Tropicamide  
by Frank123 (12004 pt)
2023-May-18 18:32
Tropicamide (N-ethyly-2-phenyl-N-(4-pyridyl-methyl)-hydracrylamide) is a chemical compound.It appears as a white powder soluble in water and stable in aqueous solution with an acid pK of abo ...
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Last update:   2023-05-18 16:38:59

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