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Propylene Glycol Dicaprate

Rating : 7

<1 / 1>from Whiz35

Propylene Glycol Dicaprate Is a chemical compound, an ester of propylene glycol and capric acid.The name defines the structure of the molecule"Propylene Glycol" is an organic compound used as a solvent and humectant in various products. It's a di-alcohol with the formula C₃H₈O₂."Dicaprate" refers to the ester formed fr... (Read the full Tiiip)

0 pts from Whiz35

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"Descrizione" about Propylene Glycol Dicaprate  
by Whiz35 (11826 pt)
2023-Aug-25 18:20
Propylene Glycol Dicaprate Is a chemical compound, an ester of propylene glycol and capric acid.The name defines the structure of the molecule"Propylene Glycol" is an organic compound used a ...
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Component type:   Chemical

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Last update:   2023-08-25 17:51:30

Chemical Risk: