Sesame Seeds are obtained from the plant Sesamun indicum belonging to the botanical family Pedaliaceae,
were, in ancient times, among the first seasonings and among the first seeds to be used to obtain oil or fermented to obtain a strong alcoholic beverage.
A tomb painting from Ancient Egypt depicts a baker adding sesame seeds to bread dough.
They arrived in Europe with the Phoenician merchants and through the Roman invasions.
In the United States they arrived towards the end of the 17th century.
The world's largest producers are China and Mexico.
Used in the Middle East for the preparation of sweets, such as tahin and halvah.
Used in cosmetics for creams, oils for the skin, hair and sun creams.
They are often found in: soybean burgers, crackers, cakes, sauces, biscuits.
In this study sesame oil shows anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects with promising results in lowering high levels of cholesterol and inflammation, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and delaying the onset of cardiovascular disease (1).
Allergies to this type of seed have increased in the last 10 years, especially in Canada, Israel and Japan.
Sesame studies
(1) Hsu E, Parthasarathy S. Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Effects of Sesame Oil on Atherosclerosis: A Descriptive Literature Review. Cureus. 2017 Jul 6;9(7):e1438. doi: 10.7759/cureus.1438. Review.